Cucina Sonora

Cucina Sonora began to take shape in 2014 from an idea of Pietro Spinelli, who wanted to move from the classical piano to new horizons. It started for fun, trying to understand the use of the various DAWs. Thus, between one mistake and another, the first songs took shape.

It was in that period that he met Francesco Scatizzi (Toys for Kids Records9, with whom he began a collaboration that will lead him to develop his project and continue his path.

After almost a year of tests, studies and experiments, the first homonymous EP was realized and it was presented at the Central Cinema of Volterra in December 2015. After this, the PDR project stopped in various cities in Italy and Europe to bring their music on different stages.

Given the growing interest in electronic music, he decided to move to Berlin to further his studies at the dBs Music School, attending the degree course in Electronic Music Production & Performance.

2016 is a year of rehearsals, new stages and challenges for this new project. Among these the Toscana100Band, a competition promoted by the Tuscany Region, in which Cucina Sonora was chosen as one of the best 100 projects around Tuscany. Thus he realized an upgrade of his set up and with a renewd instrumentation he began to work on his most recent album “Evasion”.

The album, financed by a successful crowdfunding, was written between Italy and Berlin. It is a set of stories and imagery collected during various journeys, soundscapes that are sometimes detailed and chronological, sometimes more ethereal. Anticipated by the homonymous single and a remix by Francesco Farfa, “Evasion” was released on June 19th 2017 for Toys for Kids Records on all major platforms, on CD and Vinyl.

Currently Cucina Sonora has a history of 60 dates throughout Italy and abroad. In some of them he had the pleasure and honor of sharing the stage with artists of the calibre of Godblesscomputers, Fricat, Stèv, Machweo, Aucan e Go Dugong, performing on some of the most important stages in Italy, such as Collisioni Festival and Night Like This Festival. In 2020 he began his collaboration with INRI CLASSIC.